

Written by Hanna Pyliotis

Bertha, a bottom-feeding fish, from the bottom of the food chain and the bottom of the ocean floor, is an ocean cleaner. When something un-cleanable arrives in her ocean garden, it’s up to Bertha to get to the bottom of it. Using clown, song, music and puppetry, The Big Wail is a splashy musical tale about a bottom feeding fish that rises to the top.


Perfomance History:

SKAM festival (2021, Vancouver Island, Canada), Richmond Maritime Festival ( 2021, Vancouver Island), Intrepid Theatre's New Works Cabaret (2022), Intrepid Fringe Festival (2023,Vancouver Island). Currently touring throughout Canada as part of Arts Starts in schools.

Directed by Britt Smalls
Performed by Jayne Walling
Music by Lucas Gillet
Costume by Jayne Walling & Gillian Gravenor
Set by Jayne Walling & Raphael Richard
Producted by Jayne Walling


HANNA PYLIOTIS Writer/ Theatre maker/ Workshops - All contents © 2023 Hanna Pyliotis
Made by Expression nomade 2023 | Photography: Benoit Rony & Jam Hamid | Translation: Alex Tomko
Thanks to Drama Ties & Jayne Wallling

General conditions of use (GCU)